School Multi-Storey Car Park

Remscheid, Germany

Thorlux Lighting Germany has provided a new lighting system for the multi-storey car park of the Sophie-Scholl-Gesamtschule (Sophie Scholl Comprehensive School), located on Hohenhagener Straße in the city of Remscheid.

The comprehensive school was established to serve the community in 1990, with the premises expanding over the course of the next decade. The school was named in honour of the German resistance fighter Sophie Scholl, executed by the Nazis in 1943.

On behalf of the city of Remscheid, Thorlux Lighting has installed energy-saving luminaires in the car park, combined with the SmartScan lighting control system.

The indoor parking levels are now equipped with Thorlux A-Line luminaires, while essential exit signage is provided by Lexi-65 emergency luminaires with a three-hour battery power backup. For the rooftop parking level, Thorlux outdoor Starbeam floodlight luminaires ensure all-weather lighting.

Together with the SmartScan lighting control system, these Thorlux luminaires ensure electricity savings in excess of 70% - and with a higher light output than the previous equipment.

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